

目前顯示的是 12月 20, 2009的文章

新流感疫苗副作用~MF59 佐劑成份,會引起自體免疫系統問題!

新流感疫苗副作用~MF59 佐劑成份,會引起自體免疫系統問題! 這是 一個 已經 打過諾華疫苗 也已經產生過敏反應的護士(類風溼性關節炎),所找出來的資料,準備申請賠償,希望她能申請順利,但是 這些錢 能換回健康的身體嗎? (翻譯有點不順,怪怪的!如果有誤,或有更好得翻譯請幫忙更正與傳遞) 根據美國衛生與公眾服務部的秘書Kathleen Sebelius,透露你的孩子會是秋季學校開始大量全面性豬流感疫苗接種的第1個優先目標。According to Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, your children should be the first target for mass swine flu vaccinations when school starts this fall. 這是壹個滑稽的假設為了許多原因,故意不提到豬流感疫苗的非常高風險。This is a ridiculous assumption for many reasons, not to mention extremely high risk. 在澳洲,冬天季節已開始了,聯邦衛生部長Nicola Roxon要家長们放心豬流感是不比季節性流感危險. 她說:" 感染新流感H1N1的人包括孩子,大多數是輕微症狀不需任何醫療便可恢復" In Australia, where the winter season has begun, Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon is reassuring parents the swine flu is no more dangerous than regular seasonal flu. "Most people, including children, will experience very mild symptoms and recover without any medical intervention," she said.[ii] 駐雪梨的免疫專學家Robert Booy預測,豬流感的兒童致死率,可能是未來一年季節性流感的兩倍。 Sydney